A Scholar, Poet and Critic
An Interview with Shirley Geok-lin Lim (1994)
From the Archives: This interview was conducted during Shirley Geok-lin Lim’s visit to Flinders University in September 1994 and first published in the CRNLE (Centre for Research in the New Literatures in English) Reviews Journal in 1995. We are republishing it with Professor Lim’s permission, and with a postscript from Dr Nor Faridah Abdul Manaf to bring it up to date.
1995 Introduction: I first started reading Professor Lim's work in her role as a well-known critic of Malaysia and Singapore Anglophone writings, although she was better known as a poet. My brief encounter with Professor Lim during her visit to the CRNLE in conjunction with CRNLE's International Conference in September 1994, was both delightful and inspirational. To me, Professor Lim represents the many invisible tough and strong women in Asia particularly in Malaysia. She has gone through many conflicts and contradictions in her search for identity as a woman.

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